Friday, August 13, 2010
Hello!!! haha(: yesterday went with mr yee and ms tham to the olympic walk!!!(: it was really fun!!! we went to talk the flag of yeman and waited for their representatives to come!!! haha(: when he came... we walk all the way to our tree which is like the other end of the side... sighh... haha(: so talk and walk with ms tham all the way there(: so cool!!! haha(: then went to unveil the the plague that ms siow drew!!! and it's so awesomeee and nice!!! haha(: then took pictures like siao with ms tham!!! haha(: and blazer is really hot... seriously... haha(: then went to hear the minister talk then can go home already!!! haha(: then on our way back i saw mrs lee!! omg!!! then i call her!!! she was like omg!!! vanessa!!! haha(: then she hug me!!! haha(: mrs lee is my primary sch's principal(: she i s very nice to everyone!!! not only me(: haha(: then she talk to me about track stuff and studies(: then she was like prefect arh... good job!! haha(: i was so happy to meet her again!!! because last year... she get transferred out of my pri sch to her previous sch... sighh... anyway... i had a fun day!!!(: